talk more to the people you care about

talk more to the people you care about

it is very strange to not live on the east coast or at least closer to it. i have begun my work with the new family and so far it seems to be going ok.  if i am to be here a while i have time to build a rapport with the children at a pace that is amenable to the situation right now and for when the baby comes.

it’s like some surreal world my job sometimes….the grandparents live in a fancy house up on a mountain basically….i mean they’re at 3000 or so feet and the high point of maryland is like 3500 or something haha!

hiking here is taking some getting used to for sure.

i lost a friend this past week….i just cried today about it….when listening to the flaming lips of course. do you realize….and all that bullshit. life is not long sometimes nor is it kind i often wondered why my mom still lives and other people’s mothers have cancer and die and they were nice moms….life just isn’t fair to anyone a lot of the time i guess.  maybe that’s depressing or fatalistic.  i don’t really know.  you educated people can put whatever terms you like on this garbage.

people are so unkind to each other anymore.  it’s all if you don’t do this then fuck you and if you do do that fuck you even more or fuck these people fuck those people fuck you all

there is a very large part of my soul that wants to sit it out…..i also have moments where i don’t understand.  both sides hate the government if you break it down a little more and i mean wouldn’t the biggest fuck you be to abstain from participating?  i do see the other side of course….participation is HOW THINGS CHANGE MEESH no not really i mean ‘if voting changed anything they’d make it illegal’ is always a phrase that will never leave my mind.

ok i will concede with trump the world has drastically changed over the past four years.

but he’s not the cause he’s just the…..catalyst for change maybe?  people finally liking andrew yang and UBI….yet he never had a damn chance to be the one to run this country because both sides are old ass entrenched career politicians that people who vote for them pay for……i’ve had a long standing never vote incumbent policy.

and that the primaries are really where the election happens on the right in 16 and now in 20

people say shit like it’s my moral duty to vote ok jackass but what if i vote for kanye west hahaha they would still be mad at me for that instead of saying great lady thanks for exercising your right….

(i don’t think i will be voting for kanye but i may just write someone in as is my right….hate me if you want because i helped trump win.  whatever, take away the electoral college and add in a sprinkle of ranked choice voting and you might sell me fuck i would even consider running for local office.  meesh for mayor haha i couldn’t ever!

anyhow happy trails mark would read my blog and he won’t be able to read this one unless he becomes a ghost and i would not put that past him… in peace my friend.  rest in peace.

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